Thank you for attending our MDQ Meeting! Thank you for your incredible energy, community connectedness, and just us, together celebrating life!
Here are some notes from the recent MDQ Meeting.
Image- Many people in a well light room with many windows sitting in a circle watching Lilly who is wearing a rainbow-striped shirt sign about the upcoming events.
MDQ Cookout:
Cookie shared with us the date is May 22nd, 2022. Time: 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Need volunteers, sponsors, and donations. Please consider donating. This is the first event, so please help by sharing information about this event. Activities are welcomed, and JP offered a VB tournament there.
Can contact at and that email goes directly to Cookie/Ris and Kathy.
The Gala committee reports all things are on track. Working on contracts. We have secured Entertainment, Hotel, Keynote, and 2 Emcees, one for the Awards and the other for MDQ History. Save the date, September 17th, 2022
Gala Leads Jessalyn, Eric, John, Tarra, Lilly, Krissy, and Jer
Parade Lead:
Jer Loudenback with support from Cookie and
We brainstorm different ideas for the parade. We are looking to reflect all who march with us, plus the overall theme of All together. This committee will develop a theme, for costumes, and a banner, and everyone will be welcome to march with us. More to come from this group soon! We were one of the 85 selected to participate this year, Congratulations MDQ!
Booths and Partners:
We will have one MDQ booth with a 10x20 tent. We will have partners join us at the booth. Partners so far include Deaf Equity, WIlderness Inquiry, MNCDHH, BDA, and ASLIS. Partners share in the cost of the event and bring their own supplies and resources but we participate in one common theme for the booth. The booth will have a side stage for short entertainment, and games and become the D/DB/HH and families' social area.
This is led by Jack Williams and Jer Loudenback. Feel free to contact them directly with questions.
Jer Loudenback:
Jack Wiliams:
Deaf Queer Social Committee:
This group is responsible for creating events that we can all participate in.
This could be at home parties, social events such as volleyball, movie night, and the list go on.
One example is the Movie Night that Lilly Steinbruckner hosted at their home, with a discussion. There will be another upcoming, look for the surveys.
Others offered movie nights at their home as well. This committee will work with all who are offering movie nights, bonfires, and socials.
The leads for this are:
James Paul Beldon:
Lilly Steinbruckner:
Heath Focken:
Image- Many individuals sitting at a long square wooden table watching Cookie who is standing wearing a black sweatshirt about upcoming events. There are windows with lots of light behind Cookie.
News from members to share with you- Heath- Don't forget to check out our support groups. * Peer Support- Talk about a different issue set by the group. No therapy, no counseling, just discussion. * Non-Binary/Trans Support group * HIV/AIDS Support group Check out their website for information or MDQ will share it with you. Lilly/Jer- Went to Outfront MN to see their rally and the issues that they were focusing on. Would like for MDQ to discuss these issues, would like for MDQ to go as a group and to explore the Capitol/SOB and get training. Would like to form a group to focus on this for next year's legislative session, especially on issues that impact us directly and our community. Lilly will lead this work. Jack Williams: MDS will have a spaghetti dinner, please come support. Lilly suggested MDQ go together to eat and socialize. Possibly could have a booth as well, need to check with Laura. Jack would love to host a traditional bonfire night the week of Pride. Jack will work with the Deaf Queer Social committee. JP Beldon: Volleyball is back. Join us we have several different teams. The LGBTQ team is under Glass House. Would you like to play? Learn more information by going to the Facebook page (ASL Volleyball). Pam Burry: Offers BBQ Sauce sales and partnership if you want to host her for any upcoming Pride event. Support Black Businesses she says, plus her new BBQ Sauce flavors are the best for upcoming outdoor BBQs. The next MDQ Meeting will be on May 15th, 2022 (* 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.) and this will be a working meeting to focus on the logistics of the Cookout, Pride Booth, Pride Parade, You've been Rainbowed event, Fundraiser event, and Gala. We will meet for a brief report back and then go into working mode. Cookie, Riss, and Kathy feel free to use the time for this meeting to get our help to make sure your cookout is a success. I can book Rondo Library if this is helpful for working space and it is on the light rail. We could also meet at the cookout space if you prefer to get a feel of what is needed. To All- Thank you for your Awesomeness. Dates to remember: Rainbow Run- May 21st, 2022 OUT Venture- Boom Island on May 21st, 2022 (12-6) MDQ Rainbow Family Cookout- May 22nd, 2022 Come as you are- A Pride Art Exhibition- Opening Reception - June 3rd, 2022 Grand Marshall Party - June 9th, 2022 You've been Rainbowed Week- June 17th-June 24th, 2022 MDQ Booth with Partners at Twin Cities Pride- June 25/26 MDQ at Twin Cities Pride Parade- June 26 Decade Gala, Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing LGBTQ+ Awards and Gala event - Celebrating 10 years of history. - September 17th, 2022 Check us out on FB- Minnesota Deaf Queers
Check us out on Instagram- Minnesota Deaf Queers
Check us out on our website-
Cookout questions or sponsorships-
Questions about other MDQ Events-